Technical Assistance and COST SHARE Programs
NRCS, our partners and district staff are available to assist landowners with better understanding their landscape, farming methods and practices, natural resources and conservation concerns.
Terrace/Waterway Design and Construction
Whether you are receiving financial assistance for erosion control practices or not, we can assist with designing and staking out of terraces and waterways. We assist with miles of terrace construction each year!
Livestock Grazing and Watering Systems
Rely on our years of expertise to help you design the most workable and efficient grazing system for your livestock operation. Watch the website and our Facebook page for field day opportunities and tire tank demonstrations.
Vegetation Establishment
Whether you are working to establish a stand of native grasses and wildflowers or cool season brome, we can help you determine timing of planting, weed control regimen and brush management. You can also purchase native plant seed from us in custom or CRP mixes.
Growing in High Tunnels
Visit our Urban Ag Project page for more specifics on high tunnel resources. * New 2023 USDA has included LOW TUNNELS in the Urban and non traditional ag initiative*
Pond Reclamation
We are unable to provide financial assistance for pond clean-out.
Funding for pasture fence is only available for interior cross fence to enhance rotational grazing with approved prescribed grazing plan on pasture that already has adequate perimeter fence. We can not provide cost share for property perimeter OR land use perimeter fence.
Terrace/Waterway Design and Construction
Whether you are receiving financial assistance for erosion control practices or not, we can assist with designing and staking out of terraces and waterways. We assist with miles of terrace construction each year!
Livestock Grazing and Watering Systems
Rely on our years of expertise to help you design the most workable and efficient grazing system for your livestock operation. Watch the website and our Facebook page for field day opportunities and tire tank demonstrations.
Vegetation Establishment
Whether you are working to establish a stand of native grasses and wildflowers or cool season brome, we can help you determine timing of planting, weed control regimen and brush management. You can also purchase native plant seed from us in custom or CRP mixes.
Growing in High Tunnels
Visit our Urban Ag Project page for more specifics on high tunnel resources. * New 2023 USDA has included LOW TUNNELS in the Urban and non traditional ag initiative*
Pond Reclamation
We are unable to provide financial assistance for pond clean-out.
Funding for pasture fence is only available for interior cross fence to enhance rotational grazing with approved prescribed grazing plan on pasture that already has adequate perimeter fence. We can not provide cost share for property perimeter OR land use perimeter fence.
Financial Assistance
We aim to serve as a clearinghouse for many different sources of financial assistance for landowners, farmers and ranchers who wish to implement conservation practices. For more than 75 years the district has been the local conduit for Federal Farm Bill programs. We also administer state water plan funds and EPA Clean Water Act Funds through the Hillsdale Watershed Restoration program. We partner with other agencies to accomplish conservation goals as well, so never hesitate to contact us with your project idea.
Below is a copy of our state funded cost share program application. Applications are accepted January 1 through November 30 each year, with priority dates noted on the application form. You may complete the form and email it to us at [email protected] or stop by the office and we can answer any questions you might have about the cost share process.
Below is a copy of our state funded cost share program application. Applications are accepted January 1 through November 30 each year, with priority dates noted on the application form. You may complete the form and email it to us at [email protected] or stop by the office and we can answer any questions you might have about the cost share process.
ConservaTion Related Contractors List |
WE OFFER Custom Blended Grass Seed, POllinator Mixes and Cover Crops
The Miami County Conservation District offers to the public custom blended seed mixes for all your erosion control, pasture/hay land enhancement and wildlife habitat needs. We sell many types of grasses and seed; including traditional native mix of Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Indian Grass, Side-oats, Switch Grass as well as Brome, fescue, rye, clover and more. We do not keep seed on hand as each order is custom blended to meet YOUR environmental benefit needs! We work directly with NRCS and FSA to assure the seed we order meet program requirements for CRP, EQIP and pollinator programs under the Federal Farm Bill.
Other Available seeds include:
Blue Grama, Buffalo Grass, Eastern Gama Grass, Western Wheatgrass, Annual Ryegrass, Prairie Cordgrass, Reed Canary, Wild Rye, Alfalfa (grazing type & common), Ladino White Clover, Medium Red Clover and Fescue. Black-eyed Susan; Blanket Flower; Blue Flax; Butterfly Milkweed; Coneflower~ Clasping, Grayhead, Pale Purple, Purple, Upright; Plains Coreopsis; Sunflower ~ False, Maximilian; Illinois Bundle Flower; Indian Blanket; Partridge Pea; Pitcher Sage; Purple Prairie Clover; Wild Bergamont; and Wild Blue Indigo.
We are pleased to offer pollinator mixes, honey bee mixes and other specialty blends. We can even order cover crop mixes (bulk seed delivery to your farm), erosion blankets/logs and other erosion products. Contact the district at 913-294-3751 or via email @ [email protected] for pricing.
Learn about Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses at:
Other Available seeds include:
Blue Grama, Buffalo Grass, Eastern Gama Grass, Western Wheatgrass, Annual Ryegrass, Prairie Cordgrass, Reed Canary, Wild Rye, Alfalfa (grazing type & common), Ladino White Clover, Medium Red Clover and Fescue. Black-eyed Susan; Blanket Flower; Blue Flax; Butterfly Milkweed; Coneflower~ Clasping, Grayhead, Pale Purple, Purple, Upright; Plains Coreopsis; Sunflower ~ False, Maximilian; Illinois Bundle Flower; Indian Blanket; Partridge Pea; Pitcher Sage; Purple Prairie Clover; Wild Bergamont; and Wild Blue Indigo.
We are pleased to offer pollinator mixes, honey bee mixes and other specialty blends. We can even order cover crop mixes (bulk seed delivery to your farm), erosion blankets/logs and other erosion products. Contact the district at 913-294-3751 or via email @ [email protected] for pricing.
Learn about Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses at:
Conservation Tree Planting Program
Containerized seedling sales run Sept through mid October Bareroot seedling sales run December through May 1 |
The conservation district is not regulatory and we do not offer any type of cost share/financial assistance programs for pond maintenance, we do provide the following information for landowners who are considering constructing a pond.
What dams require a permit under state law? A dam regulated by DWR is defined as any artificial barrier, including its appurtenant works, with the ability to impound water, waste water or other liquids that has either: (a) a height of 25 feet or more; (b) a height of 6 feet or more and a storage volume at the top of the emergency spillway elevation of 50 or more acre feet. The height of a dam is determined from the lowest elevation of the streambed, downstream toe or outside limit of the dam to the elevation of the top of the dam.
You should contact Division of Water Resources for additional information on state laws regarding permits to construct.
Kansas Department of Agriculture- Division of Water Resources
1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan KS 66502
(785) 564-6700
Online at or the following takes you to a fact sheet about DWR permits.
Landowners should also check with Miami County Planning and Building about local regulations, such such as set backs from property lines which may pertain to ponds.
Looking for information on aquatic plants and their control?
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service have a publication available entitled "Aquatic Plants And Their Control" which covers topics such as classification of aquatic plants, identification, control and herbicides and their use for aquatic plants. This publication is available in pdf format
Additional information on aquatic plants may be obtained through the following sources:
Kansas State University Research & Extension; Marais des Cygnes Extension District
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks
What dams require a permit under state law? A dam regulated by DWR is defined as any artificial barrier, including its appurtenant works, with the ability to impound water, waste water or other liquids that has either: (a) a height of 25 feet or more; (b) a height of 6 feet or more and a storage volume at the top of the emergency spillway elevation of 50 or more acre feet. The height of a dam is determined from the lowest elevation of the streambed, downstream toe or outside limit of the dam to the elevation of the top of the dam.
You should contact Division of Water Resources for additional information on state laws regarding permits to construct.
Kansas Department of Agriculture- Division of Water Resources
1320 Research Park Drive, Manhattan KS 66502
(785) 564-6700
Online at or the following takes you to a fact sheet about DWR permits.
Landowners should also check with Miami County Planning and Building about local regulations, such such as set backs from property lines which may pertain to ponds.
Looking for information on aquatic plants and their control?
Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service have a publication available entitled "Aquatic Plants And Their Control" which covers topics such as classification of aquatic plants, identification, control and herbicides and their use for aquatic plants. This publication is available in pdf format
Additional information on aquatic plants may be obtained through the following sources:
Kansas State University Research & Extension; Marais des Cygnes Extension District
Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks